The amount of ideas that end up on the proverbial cutting room floor is, frankly, staggering. Bits of genius are sent to the scrap yard and lost forever because they didn't quite fit into what the client had in mind. These concepts might get Frankensteined into something else down the road, but generally, they enter the void and rarely return.
With the Sparks route, these ideas can get a second life. Creatives can post their "rejected" concepts to the Rocket & Sparks marketplace and tag them accordingly. Clients, unsure of what they want, can search through relevant concepts and purchase those they think might work best for their brand. Instead of forcing creatives to react to a brief, this option gives the clients an a la carte way to build and assemble their new campaign with one or several ideas from the Sparks marketplace.
Once purchased, the client and the creative team work together to refine the campaign and tailor it to the brand's voice and needs. The client knows exactly what they're getting before they've signed a contract, and the creative gets financially rewarded for their lost ideas.
Instead of the constant back and forth and continual refinement from all levels of both the agency and client, Rocket & Sparks eliminates the noise and lets the creatives shine. Cutting-edge campaigns and concepts will be created without fear of distillation. Brand new concepts can come from unlikely places around the world. And, by using 3rd party printers and retouchers, overhead fees become things of the past.
Whether you’re an individual creator or part of a team, Rocket & Sparks makes it simple to post your ideas with our easy-to-use templates.